The Bible is a collection of 66 books which were deemed worthy of being included in an accepted rule, a canon.
The so called Old Testament was for the most part written by Jews who worshiped the God of Abraham. The Pentateuch is religious history and law as believed by the Jews. The book of Judges is a compilation of old Jewish hero stories. Job is a very ancient story of why God allows suffering which was included in the OT.
The Psalms are religious songs. The prophets are religious prophetic literature. The historical books are just that, history of the Jewish kings.
The NT is a collection of writings from the first century. The Synaptic Gospels are accounts of Jesus' sayings and acts gathered from eyewitnesses and faithful disciples and should not be expected to perfectly coincide chronologically or in every detail. The Gospel of John is unique and should be considered the last Gospel of the Christian age being more representative of our time than the time it was written in. Acts is Luke's received historical account which is not necessarily accurate in every detail.
The NT Letters are just that letters. There is no precedent in the OT for letters to be considered something other than just letters. Paul's letters are for his time and according to what he thought was good nothing more. The other letters are the same. Revelation should be classed with the OT prophetic literature.
The Bible is literature, religious literature misused by those seeking religious authority. The Apostles who knew Jesus are long dead. Men who today, or yesterday, claim to take their place are liars and hooligans.
More damage has been done to God's name by hypocritical religious leaders than by atheists! In this respect the first century still lives.
Frank, an old man who lives near DBAH.